How Riley's fighting against period poverty, at home and abroad

We’re busy bees here at Riley, growing the business (you know how it is with a start up), taking all customer feedback on-board, continuously improving our products, the list goes on. One thing at the top of our list that we go back to in all of our business meetings is, why are we doing this? How can we give back? So we thought it would be nice to give you an insight into all the ways our customers help us to give back at Riley. 

Riley period products

First and foremost are the products themselves…

We’ve saved millions of products ending up in landfill. How? Our products are 100% organic cotton with no bleach, toxins or harmful chemicals, so you, our fantastic customers, can put *all of your sanitary products in the compost bin (*only exception here is the tampon applicator, you can recycle that, but don’t worry we’re working on this too!). And… we have offset  97,639 kg of CO2 emissions. Okay so to put it into perspective that’s almost 98 tonnes, imagine driving around the world 98 times in an average car. 

Development Pamoja

Development Pamoja, an Irish registered charity based in Kenya, works to responsibly develop disadvantaged communities in rural Kenya. With a team of local Kenyans, the goal is to improve living standards and enable self-sufficiency through community-based cooperative initiatives. How does Riley help? 

As Development Pamoja’s work focuses on providing primary healthcare, improving farm practices and community support such as education, we thought we could merge some of these together and sponsor a valuable menstruation education programme for schools. This programme is aimed at young students to help educate them on their menstrual health. Development Pamoja’s resident doctor, Mary, visits local schools each term to host this programme and answer any questions the students may have. The goal is that they’ll be better equipped to manage their period with the information, tools and products we supply. We’ve sponsored 10 schools already and educated 4,500 Kenyan students on menstrual health. And we don’t stop there - we also supply sanitary products to these schools and stock Development Pamoja’s medical clinics with sanitary products. Love a good statistic, here’s another one, so far we have donated over 100,000 pads to those that need them. 

Development PamojaDev Pamoja & Riley Founder

Positive Period Ireland

I know you might think, holy moly, slow down ladies, but we can’t, we have so much more to do. This time we thought about moving a little closer to home as we know that period poverty isn’t just an issue in developing countries, it’s an issue here in Ireland too. Although most girls are educated on their menstrual health to a basic standard, access to sanitary products is still a major issue. Whether it’s pads, tampons, pain relief, it can all be expensive for many people, and not everyone can afford it every month. That’s why we needed a partner who aligned with our values and our mission, and oh boy did we find the perfect partner. Positive Period Ireland donates feminine hygiene products to those who otherwise would go without. The donations are brought by volunteer drivers to Homeless Outreach Centres, Direct Provision Centres and Women’s Refuges. We can’t wait to see the impact of our partnership over the next 12 months. 

Positive Period Ireland

PPI x Riley


Bloody Good Period

Our newest charity partner is UK based Bloody Good Period. They’re fighting for menstrual equity and the rights of all people who bleed. They do this in 4 ways:

  1. DELIVER: Providing pads and other period products to those who really need them.
  2. EDUCATE: Providing menstrual, sexual and reproductive health education for those who can’t otherwise access it.
  3. NORMALISE: Fighting to eradicate shame and stigma around periods and menstruation through conversation.
  4. AMPLIFY: Demanding fair treatment for all those who menstruate.

BGP's mission and values are so closely linked with ours which is the reason why we're thrilled to be working with them.

Once again, thank you to all of our customers, without your support, none of this would be possible! 

Much Love,
Team Riley x

Team Riley

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