Let’s just talk about them and let go of all of the awkwardness. Farting or ‘passing wind’, is a day-to-day occurrence. We all do it, so stop acting like you don’t. We’ve all been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. But the one thing you can rely on when it comes to farting, is that we always need to let loose at the most hilarious and inappropriate times - an important meeting, a presentation, even during an interview.
Yeah, regular bum-farts are one thing, but have you ever experienced a fart from your vagina? Well, sit back my friend, and prepare to be blown away (excuse the pun, lol).

‘Queefing’ or vaginal farts are very common and completely normal, but there’s no denying that they can be embarrassing.
What is it and why does it happen?
It happens when trapped air is released from the vagina, usually during sexual activity, exercising or stretching (like yoga). It may also occur when something is inserted into the vagina that allows air bubbles to become trapped i.e. a penis, sex toy, tampon, finger etc. However, some pregnant women experience pouts of queefing.
It may also be down to your pelvic floor structure. A study published in March 2021 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that more than a third of women with pelvic floor disorders reported vaginal farting. Regardless of the cause, queefing should never be painful so if you’re experiencing painful queefs, why not speak to your doctor and get to the bottom of it :)
How do you know the difference between queefing and a regular anal fart?
Although they sound the same (thankfully) queef’s don’t have the same gassy odour.
Some research has suggested that there is a link between pelvic organ prolapse and queefing (vaginal farts). Prolapse occurs when the pelvic organs drop down due to weakness in the supporting structures, most commonly during or after pregnancy. Queefing can be a sign of a more serious medical condition such as pelvic floor dysfunction or vaginal fistulas. If you are queefing excessively and have a weak pelvic floor, then it is always important to talk openly with your doctor about this.
So, how can we reduce or prevent queefing?
What’s important here is that the pelvic floor is a muscle and what can we do with muscles? We can exercise and build their strength and resilience.
1. Use a Pessary
This is a circular, plastic or rubber, device that fits into the vagina and support’s the tissue that was displaced due to prolapse
2. Kegel Exercises
Kegels can help make your pelvic floor (the muscles under the uterus, bladder, and bowel) stronger and tighter. It’s basically like pretending you have to urinate and then holding it.
Another way to reduce queefing is by having less vaginal sex, but we will NOT be suggesting this. We’re not monsters goddammit! So let’s focus on completing Kegel exercises to reduce the likelihood of queefing.
So how do we complete a Kegel exercise you ask?
Sounds fun and exotic right? Is everybody ready to KEGEL?
First, you need to figure out what muscles to strengthen, imagine you are stopping yourself from peeing mid flow or trying to hold it in until you can make it to a toilet, this is your pelvic floor at work.
To complete a Kegel you should lie down (to begin with), tighten those muscles for 3 seconds then relax for 3 seconds and repeat 10-15 times, do this 3 times a day or as often as you can! Although it sounds like a lot you’ll get used to it, and before you know it, you’ll be doing your Kegels when standing in line getting a coffee, sitting at your desk or driving the car. Once you get in the swing of things, it will be the easiest workout you will ever do, and your pelvic floor will thank you.
Remember, when you are holding the pelvic floor muscle, your abs, bum or thighs should be relaxed (whatever is normal for you), they should not be tight or flexed.
And don’t forget to breathe when doing your Kegels!
Queefing is a normal bodily function that we shouldn’t be embarrassed about. It’s something that happens to all women but we need to be mindful of what is normal and what is excessive. If you have tried working your pelvic floor and you still believe that your bordering on excessive then always seek medical advice.
(Play Rihanna- Work)
Now go ladies, and WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK those pelvic floors!